My Solo Build It Review

Hi, I'm Don Bell from Ontario, Canada, and this is my Solo Build it review after using SBI for 19 years. Yes, I'm the retired senior citizen with the website featuring old fashioned dessert recipes.

You might have read an article about me on Zoomer Magazine's website, Everything Zoomer. That was back in May 2010, and thanks to Solo Build It (SBI) my website is still going strong.

Don Bell Working at Home OnlineDon Bell Working at Home Online
(Source: ©Don Bell)

People often wonder how a non-techy senior citizen like me can build a successful food blog that earns money simply by giving away my Grandma's favorite dessert recipes.

Since some visitors have asked about creating a website of their own to share their family's recipes or to promote a hobby or special interest, I added this Solo Build It Review to help answer any questions.

I've packed this page with tons of helpful information, illustrations, and photos so please allow an extra moment or two for everything to load into your browser.

Why I Built My Website

While planing for an early retirement, I looked for something that I could do to earn additional income from home.

After years of self-employment, I hadn't the luxury of a company pension plan and family adoption expenses in the mid 1990s had depleted all our retirement savings and then some.

But, it had to be something not too difficult that I would enjoy doing, something hobby-like. Life is much too short to do otherwise. It also had to be something that would require little or no startup money and involve minimal financial risk.

Acres of Diamonds Book

I happened to read Acres of Diamonds. It's a little book that was first published back in 1915, and it features a captivating short story by Dr. Russell H. Conwell that contains an amazing statement:

"You can get rich right where you are. At home. Not somewhere else. Not a person has secured great wealth by going away who might have secured as much by some other means if he had stayed at home."

Applying Conwell's sage advice, I searched our home to see what was at hand that could be used to generate some extra income. Besides my Mac computer, I discovered my mother's handmade recipe scrapbooks and her treasured collection of old fashioned cookbooks.

And since I love desserts and nostalgia, all I needed was to find a profitable way to share the old fashioned dessert recipes with like-minded people who love to read and collect them.

My Biggest Problem

I now had the resources, a computer and those remarkable dessert recipes, but I also had a problem. How would I go about sharing them with other recipe lovers?

I needed to find a simple solution that would be both profitable and fun!

Eventually, an idea formed. I could publish a selection of the recipes on a website and compile the rest into a series of cookbooks (Ebooks) that people could purchase and instantly download.

However, I had no idea how to go about building a website let alone how I could turn it into a money-making home business. Nor did I want to fall into the trap of paying some webmaster thousands of dollars to build a website for me that I would have no control over.

I simply wanted to get online and start earning!

My Solo Build It Review

While searching on Google one day in 2004, I stumbled upon the perfect solution to my problem — a world-class Canadian company called SiteSell, and its unique opportunity called Solo Build It (SBI!).

Solo Build It is altogether different from anything else being offered. It's a doable, all-in-one package that shows you how to start an online business.

I call it my Website Secret, as it works quietly behind the scenes 24/7 to make my website possible.

You see, SBI takes Internet novices by the hand and helps them turn almost any interest, skill, or hobby into a successful website and online business.

And, you'll be encouraged to know that many Solopreneurs (that's what people using Solo Build It call themselves) are making really good income with their websites.

I took the plunge and started this website back in May 2004, and the rest as they say, is history.

Just look at my website now! Solo Build It was quite simply the answer to my prayers, as I could not have built my site without it.

What follows is my Solo Build It review explaining why and how I use SiteSell's system to maintain my online business from the safety and comfort of from my country home.

What Is Solo Build It?

The name Solo Build It reflects its true purpose. This amazing all-in-one system is more than a website builder, it's an online business builder that's altogether different from other programs found in the marketplace.

It's designed from the top down to help solopreneurs (people who prefer to work alone at home) turn almost any interest, hobby, or skill into a successful website and online business.

I admit that I was initially skeptical about Solo Build It. Anyone surfing the Internet soon discovers that there are tons of hosting companies and website building tools available online, and some are even free. You've likely seen their flashy ads.

Most offer a gorgeous website and quick-and-easy success. It's not easy to resist the promise of a beautiful website that you can build in an hour. They make everything seem so easy!

What the offers never tell you is online businesses have a high failure rate and no matter how beautiful that new website is, it still isn't a business!

That's because once you've built your site, you're left high and dry on your own with little instruction, little support, and little hope of attracting needed visitor traffic.

Some lure people to build a free blog on their subdomain, but if you happen to read their Terms of Use, you'll discover they have a royalty-free license to reproduce, modify, adapt, and publish YOUR content. Ouch!

And don't be fooled by the old "followers" carrot. Bloggers will brag about all the followers they have while failing to realize that many so-called hits are simply bots and spammers when what's really needed is genuine visitor traffic that increases daily.

And, major search engines won't rank free blogs the same as self-hosted websites. After all, why would they? Especially when bloggers don't value their content enough to place it on a proper website.

Free means you get what you pay for! If you value your time and creative output then forget free!

Writers who value their content won't hesitate to pay for a self-hosted website where they have complete access to their files, and the servers they're stored on.

You need a safe and secure, self-hosted website that you 100% own and control. And while there are reputable companies online that offer self-hosted websites, the more I researched, the more I realized that SiteSell offers the best, complete-package deal.

The Solo Build It Action Guide

You MUST build a proper online business if you ever hope to have your website become self-supporting, so it's able to generate significant visitor traffic and income.

To do that, you need the support of a proven online package featuring the Solo Build It Action Guide, including all the tools needed to generate targeted visitor traffic. Because without "targeted" traffic, you cannot succeed.

As you continue reading this Solo Build It Review, I will share how SBI can provide you with everything you will need, and more.

Please be patient, though, as I'm giving you tons of insider information, including detailed answers to all the tough questions that I asked before building my own website.

Why Solo Build It IS the Real Deal

Computer Screen Shot Solo Build It Site CentralAccess Your Site Pages at SBI Site Central
(Source: ©Don Bell)

The SiteSell company has a rock solid reputation in the Internet industry for honest dealing and for having PROVEN results.

And SiteSell Education's course on "Building a Successful Business Using the Internet" is now being taught at over 3 dozen accredited universities and colleges worldwide.

However, what finally sold me on SBI was the fact that I needed NO programming skills, NO web design knowledge, and NO online business training to begin. SBI supplies ALL the tools and know-how in one doable package.

Plus, it's easy to create and publish a website using SBI's Site Builder with its drag-and-drop, cut-and-paste page-building method.

SBI Site BuilderSBI Site Builder Drag and Drop Screen
(Source: ©Don Bell)

What's more, SiteSell provides everything that's needed online, and it all works perfectly with PC and MAC computers, whether you have a desktop, laptop, or tablet.

That means you can work at your own pace and learn everything you need to know in the safety and comfort of your own home. That's a huge advantage!

True, you will need to learn new skills and write your website content, but when you're busy doing something you enjoy, and you're seeing measurable results it really doesn't seem like work.

YOU Can Build a Website Too

If you've read my Solo Build It Review so far, and the thought of starting a profitable home business appeals to you, why not try earning some extra income by building a website and sharing information about something you know and love?

Just go for it! Who knows? You might be in a position to fire your boss and escape the 9-to-5 routine someday, or maybe even choose an early retirement like I did.

Solo Build It Mini Retirement Course

Maybe you aren't interested in a home business. Maybe you simply want a website to share your hobby with other hobbyists or to promote your favorite charity online.

Or maybe you're a budding author or musician wanting to build a fan-based following.

Well, SBI is perfect for the task. And if you could earn some extra income to support your hobby, writing, music or charity, then why not?

Really, it doesn't matter if you are a student, a stay-at-home mom, a factory worker, a part-time writer, a health care aid, or even a retired senior citizen like me.

Everybody can use some extra cash these days. And everybody has a skill or some useful information that someone in the world wants to know more about.

Watch the short YouTube video below. It features a Canadian grandmother who works from her comfortable home seeing lives changed through having her own businesses online.

As you can see from the video, the people who use Solo Build It are simply ordinary people like you and me. And if they can build a successful website, so can you!

I have no trouble believing this because I've already done it. And I've been doing it since 2004!

And yes, my site earns income from sponsored advertising, as does Martha Stewart's, Jamie Oliver's, and other publisher's sites.

The revenue earned covers the web hosting, and all the costs associated with publishing the recipe content, making it possible to provide the recipes for free to my website visitors.

Most of all, I love the freedom of being able to work online from the safety of my home. No commuting! No bosses! No office politics! And no schedules to meet other than my own!

Having read this far, I hope you are finding my Solo Build It Review helpful. It's my sincerest hope that you can turn your computer into a source of income, self-reliance, and creative fulfillment.

Do you still have questions that my Solo Build it Review hasn't answered? Below you'll find my answers to questions that people frequently ask about my online business.

Answers to Solo Build It Questions

Don Bell in His Home OfficeAnswers to All Your Solo Build It Questions
(Source: ©Don Bell)

You are bound to have some questions after reading my Solo Build It Review. When I first thought about starting my site back in 2004, I didn't know anyone who was working online. I was on my own. But, you don't have to be.

Below are my honest answers to the top ten Solo Build It Questions that people most often ask. Frankly, these are the questions that I wish I could have asked someone. I would have had far fewer worries and lots more confidence when starting my website!

The answers I've given should help to shed light and give a clearer picture of what it's like to be a Solopreneur working at home online with Solo Build It.

Solo Build It Review Question No. 1

Is Solo Build It as Complete as It Seems?

Yes, it's like getting an online business in a box. Everything is included in one package. That's why Solo Build It can seem a little overwhelming at the start, especially if you're in a hurry to do everything at once.

However, by working through the proven 10 Day process, one day at a time, you will soon find yourself becoming familiar with the package and its terminology.

There's a good reason why SiteSell made Shelly the Tortoise the official mascot for Solo Build It. Like the tortoise… be steady, be persistent, and be secure in your shell (the Action Guide) when needed.

Never be tempted to race ahead! Why leave one rat-race to compete in another? Instead, go step-by-step and each day, and you will move a little closer to your goal.

The pewter Shelly awarded to me by SiteSell sits beneath my computer to remind me that I don't need to get everything done today!

Shelly Is the SBI TortoiseShelly the Tortoise - The Official Solo Build It Mascot
(Source: ©Don Bell)

The golden tortoise key-chain sitting beside Shelly was presented to me at the Edinburgh SBI Conference.

It reminds me of the wonderful opportunity I had to fellowship, attend helpful presentations, and to share site-building tips with fellow SBIers from around the world. Believe me, your world expands with SBI!

You will mostly learn by doing each Day's tasks at hand and seeing the results. It's very much hands-on learning, and you need to give it time. Eventually, everything begins to fall into place, and you'll not only gain confidence, but pride in what you've accomplished.

Above all, remember that you are not alone! You will find other newbies on the Forums to share with, and your questions will always get answered by seasoned SBIers.

Never be afraid to ask for help. There are no dumb questions remaining. I know, because I've already asked them!

Solo Build It Review Question #2

Does Solo Build It Get Results?

YES, it does! Shown below is my monthly website Traffic Statistics for last December 2023. Over 41,000 visitors arrived at my site for the first time looking for Grandma's old fashioned dessert recipes, and some returned several times during that same month viewing 119,323 recipe pages!

SBI Pageview StatsMy Visitor Pageview Statistics for December 2023
(Source: ©Don Bell)

That's a significant number as, according to marketing expert Bryan Del Monte, "most websites have less than 3000 visitors a month … and by most I mean like 98%!"

However, thanks to SBI, visitors have viewed over one million recipe pages on my website the past year! And that's for "old fashioned" recipes! Many authors and webmasters would give their eye teeth to achieve that kind of online readership!

There are owners of Solo Build It sites targeting modern recipes and other contemporary topics, and some are receiving well over 10,000 visitors every day of the week. Imagine! You could easily have a full-time business with that amount of visitor traffic.

Thanks to SBI's automatic page analysis and promotion tools, many of my pages regularly appear in the top search results on Google and Bing when people search for "old fashioned dessert recipe" topics. You found me, didn't you?

As you can see from part of my Keyword Rankings Report below, many of my historical Renaissance recipe pages appear within the top 3 positions on the Google and Bing search results.

Your content page must appear on page one in the Search Engine Results pages (SERPs) to attract targeted visitor traffic.

SBI Keyword Ranking ReportSolo Build It Keyword Ranking Report
(Source: ©SiteSell, Used with Permission)

Want real PROOF that Solo Build It sites get real results?

View over 500 successful websites. Notice the wide variety of niche topics covered by these SBI sites. The sites were all created by ordinary people just like you and me!

No other company dares to show you Proof of Success like this!

Solo Build It Review Question #3

Can a Solo Build It Site Make Money?


SBI helps me to earn regular monthly income on the sale of targeted advertising, and topic-related affiliate products.

Speaking of affiliate products…

Did you know that major stores like Amazon®, Ebay®, Etsy®, and Home Depot® will let you become their "affiliate" for free and supply product promotions to place on your website?

Then, whenever a visitor purchases something through a link from your site page, the store pays you a small percentage of the total sale, and it doesn't cost your visitor one penny extra. For example, on my site you'll occasionally see my reviews of quality products from

Your visitors will appreciate seeing reviews for products related to your page topic, and the revenue generated will help to cover your site costs and provide personal earnings. It can be a good source of income for your site, depending on your niche topic.

The Action Guide also shows you how to create your own digital products such as Ebooks, Kindle books, video courses, podcasts, PDF reports, and so on. And you'll learn how to market them online to earn revenue.

Selling your own products online can be very profitable.

It's so much fun checking your online accounts in the morning to see how much you earned overnight while you were sleeping.

And take it from me, it's an even bigger thrill seeing monthly commission checks automatically deposited into your bank account. Each deposit helps to supplement my retirement income!

Solo Build It Review Question #4

Can Anyone Build a Website?

I would love to say an unqualified YES, but let's be honest. Not everyone has the inclination to do it. That said, it's likely you do, or you wouldn't be reading this far.

You must be willing to follow instructions carefully and to enjoy spending time researching, writing about your chosen topic, and performing routine tasks online while seated in front of a computer screen.

Don't let anyone kid you, it can be hard work at times. But, it is very rewarding.

You must also have patience, as it can take weeks, and possibly months before your site will get ranked by the major search engines, and significant income begins to flow.

That's why it's best to get your site started now instead of later. Even if it's only a few pages, it's important to get your site growing and becoming established.

It also helps if you're a stickler for details. There's lots to keep track of when you are researching, creating content, and internally linking your site pages. Thankfully, SBI has your back, so you'll always be aware of changes on the Web.

And like any small business, you will need to keep track of your income and business expenses for tax season. However, the bookkeeping for your home business is very easy to do, and the Action Guide helps you with the rest.

Yes, it IS work, and on rare occasions you might need to burn the midnight oil. However, it is extremely gratifying to have the freedom that comes with being your own boss.

And when you take it step-by-step, it's all very doable. Believe me, if a senior citizen like me can do it, so can you!

Solo Build It Review Question #5

Besides Solo Build It, What Else Is Needed?

Watch the short YouTube video below as it reveals why Solo Build It is called the Complete Online Business Builder.

Your annual subscription to SBI covers EVERYTHING needed to build your website online.

However, you might be wondering what else you might need to operate an online business from the comfort of your home. So, here's a list of all the equipment and software apps that I use.

By the way…

Are you aware that your SBI subscription, Internet costs, computer, iPad, iPhone, office equipment, office furniture, and software apps are ALL tax deductible from your personal income at tax time?

It's just another advantage of having a home business online!


I believe that having a comfortable work space is a necessity. It's always best to have a quiet area set aside to work in, and it doesn't need to be fancy or large.

Back when I began working online on a part-time basis, my first workspace was a make-do area in a corner of our basement.

Eventually, as income permitted, I converted a 8x12-foot spare bedroom into a home office, with a door that can be shut when concentration is needed.

The room's existing bedroom-style window was smallish and high on the wall, so I replaced it with an extra-large window thanks to my Google AdSense earnings.

Now, I have improved natural lighting, and I can glance outside for a peaceful view of the countryside whenever a break is needed from the computer screen.

A filing cabinet always comes in handy for filing papers and for hiding work clutter. You'll also need a sturdy desk to support your computer and an ergonomic office chair that's comfortable for sitting in.

Don Bell's Home OfficeMy Home Office Is Comfortable and Fun to Work In
(Source: ©Don Bell)

It's important to stay healthy and alert when working at home, so I added a Kettler® encyclical trainer. It's great for exercise breaks and is really appreciated during Ontario's winter months when it's too cold and icy outside for safe walking.

Home Office With a Kettler Encyclical TrainerOpportunity for Healthy Exercise Breaks
(Source: ©Don Bell)

And after a busy day online, it's wonderful to relax in your own infrared sauna along with red light treatment. The handcrafted SaunaRay and a PlatinumLED BIOMAX 600 Therapy Light are two of the best perks my online business has provided.

Home Office With a SaunaRay Sauna and PlatinumLED Therapy LightThe Sauna and Red Light Therapy Offer Healthy Relaxation
(Source: ©Don Bell)

Who needs a costly gym membership when you have a home office with everything needed for working, exercising, and relaxing?

Make your home office comfortable, healthy, and fun to work in and you'll find yourself eagerly awaiting the start of each new day, working online.

Can you picture yourself working and relaxing in your own comfortable home office?


You'll need surprisingly little in the way of equipment for your home office, and you won't need to get it all at once!

Only purchase equipment as it's needed, and as your site earnings permit. Here's a list of what I use:

  • A good desktop or laptop computer with a reliable high-speed Internet access is an absolute necessity. SBI works well with both MAC and PC computers, but I prefer my 27-inch iMAC 5K as I find Apple computers very easy to use, and I don't have to worry as much about computer viruses while exploring the Web and checking back-links from possible nefarious websites.
  • My low-cost Brother wireless laser printer comes in handy for making hard copies for record keeping. Sometimes I print my site pages to have a printed copy handy while I'm editing. It's just my old-school method of working.

    I also use my Brother laser printer for scanning old photos and vintage illustrations from Mom's scrapbooks. But depending on your niche topic, you might not need to scan at all.
  • An iPhone or any mobile phone can be used for viewing and checking the mobile version of your site, and its camera can shoot your site photos.

    We have a Canon digital camera, but I rarely use it. That's because an iPhone or iPad camera is perfect for taking videos and photos for your site because the online images only require 72 dpi resolution.

    Higher image resolutions will only increase screen loading times that can adversely affect your page ranking. So, don't waste your hard-earned money on an expensive digital camera for taking photos for your website.
  • An APC Battery Backup & Surge Protector is an essential item. I STRONGLY recommend that you get one! It will continue to power your computer when your electricity goes off, and it will protect your costly equipment from power surges.

    Power outages do happen at unexpected times, and you won't want to lose an hour's hard work. It happened to me before I got my backup equipment, and it wasn't fun!
  • Lastly, my Keurig coffee maker is indispensable in the mornings to help get me going.


When it comes to software, you'll find yourself collecting apps to make your online tasks easier. Here's a list of several that I constantly use on my iMac:

  • Linguisoft's Grammarian PRO3 X checks for grammar and spelling errors anywhere you type. It's an indispensable app for Mac users who spelling and grammar challenged like me. Really folks, it beats Grammarly hands down, and its one-time cost is so much less!
  • SiteSucker is a small app that quickly downloads an entire website and gathers all its photos and media files into handy folders for viewing OFFline. It's great for archiving copies of your site for retrieval or to look back on months later.
  • VueScan from Hamrich Software is an indispensable scanning app that's better than the software utility that came with your scanner. I use it to coax the best possible image output from my printer/scanner. I was honored when Hamrich chose to feature my recipe website in their March 2020 VueScan Newsletter.
  • Acorn is an easy-to-use photo editor app. It contains many features found in PhotoShop, yet it's far less complex and far more affordable.
  • RelayThat is an online design tool for creating Ebook covers, in-site ads, and properly sized social media images. Subscriptions are available for both MAC and PC.
  • ThumbnailCutter is a tiny MAC app that easily creates thumbnail images used for linking site pages. That's all it does yet it's such a timesaver.
  • ColorDial is a handy little app that helps me choose complimentary colors for use on my site, as I am not good at color selection.
  • Apple Photos is perfect for storing the numerous images needed for the website. It comes free on the MAC.
  • Apple iMovie is great for creating videos that can be uploaded to YouTube and displayed on your site. It also comes free on the MAC.
  • Apple Pages is my chosen word processor for writing Ebooks and preparing them in the proper format for publishing on Kindle and Apple Books. As an added plus, it's also free on the MAC.
  • TextEdit is by far my most used app. It's needful to write all your page content in a simple, basic text editor and then copy and paste it into Block Builder for publishing online. It also comes free on the MAC.

Similar apps are available for PC users, and you should be able to find them by searching on Google.

So you see, you don't need many program apps for working online, and the ones that you tend to use the most are either very affordable or free, depending on the computer you use.

Most of the apps needed tend to be small utilities that focus on graphics to make photo editing easier.

If you're not into photography, don't worry. Anyone can take simple photos and videos suitable for a website. If you can upload photos to Facebook, you can upload them to your site. It's that easy!

Also, and other reputable stock photo companies can provide affordable stock photos for times when taking a photo isn't an option.

Always avoid using the so-called free photo sources, as they can often contain copyrighted photos that might lead to hefty settlement fees when published. It's never worth the risk!

Solo Build It Review Question #6

Does SiteSell Provide Instructions?

YES! Absolutely! The Action Guide and the many learning resources and tools provided by SBI are excellent and very easy to read and understand.

The Solo Build It Action Guide

There's so much helpful information that it can almost seem overwhelming at times, especially when you're a beginner. But, you won't hear me complain!

I appreciate the clear instructions and step-by-step videos. Really, you don't need to absorb everything at once as the Info Center is always available when you need it.

SBI Info CenterThe Solo Build It Info Center
(Source: ©SiteSell, Used with Permission)

Expanding on the Action Guide, the Info Center supplies targeted information to ensure your online success:

  • Twitter Action Guide
  • Pinterest Action Guide
  • YouTube Action Guide
  • Tips and Techniques HQ
  • Monetization HQ
  • Resources HQ
  • Google Unified Study and Report
  • SiteSell Professionals HQ

And much more, including the specialized Search It and Monitor It tools that are unique to SBI.

Everything you need is in the SBI package!

Competing site builder programs offer little or no instruction on how to build an online business compared to SBI. Solo Build It doesn't leave you fending for yourself against tons of competition.

Help is always available when you need it, including the Video Zoom Sessions for those of us who learn better visually.

If you're at all like me, you'll make good use of the videos. They are excellent, and they make the learning process easy.

Solo Build It Review Question #7

How Much Time Does Solo Build It Require?

I won't try to sugar coat it. Building a niche site around a topic takes time. Even with the huge advantage provided by SBI, once your site pages are published it will likely take up to 6 months before you will begin to see significant traffic results and income. That's why you should begin now!

This is simply how the Internet operates. You might be the exception, but I don't want to offer any false hopes. You must be prepared to be patient and realistic. Then, time isn't a problem; it becomes your friend.

Despite what some make-money-online scammers will try to tell you, there's no such thing as "Get Rich Quick" on the Internet!

Building a proper website, getting it indexed by the search engines, and waiting for the traffic to increase takes time. Results can also depend on your chosen niche and how much effort you are willing to commit to your home business.

It reminds me of when I grew up on the family farm. We spent weeks cultivating the fields and planting the seeds. We then we waited months for the crops to grow and ripen, before they could be harvested.

Building an online business is much the same as farming and that's why I recommend starting your site now to get it growing!

Finding available time to work on a website can be challenging at times, especially if you have a job and a family to support.

However, it's a step-by-step process, and it's amazing what can be accomplished in even 6 months or a year simply by investing several hours each week to build your business.

The best news is your income tends to increase as your visitor traffic increases. At some point, as income increases, you can either outsource extra work to others, or you can fire your boss and work on your website full-time. Wouldn't that be fun?

Yes, building a website takes time and effort, but it's lots of fun too. It's tremendously satisfying to help people find the information they're searching for while doing something that you feel passionate about.

My website routinely attracts friendly visitors worldwide from over 150 countries. Some visitors return to my site month after month, year after year. It's all very gratifying.

I love that my online business gives me the freedom to work at home and to choose the hours when I want to work. You can even decide to take a day off now and then. You are completely your own boss. It is life changing!

Solo Build It Review Question #8

Are There Any Negatives?

My Solo Build It Review Questions would be incomplete if I didn't mention the negatives. However, there aren't as many as you might think, though every business has its issues.

But, take it from me, compared to working in the 9-to-5 rat-race, operating an online business at home is wonderful!

What I especially like is there are no office politics or overbearing bosses to contend with when you're a solopreneur. You really are your own boss. You've nobody to answer to other than yourself.

Well, almost nobody. Our tuxedo cat Max, my assistant, loudly vents his frustration when I'm busy working online and he's not fed on time! But, to be fair, Max does take his turn at the keyboard at times. He's a big help!

Max the Tuxedo CatMy Assistant Max Wants His Supper... NOW!
(Source: ©Don Bell)

Search Engines:

The search engines can present your biggest headaches. Google and Bing must be kept happy! However, as long as you stay within their website policies, your site will thrive. It's when they alter their search algorithms with little warning that webmasters worry.

Always follow The Action Guide and you'll be okay. It's kept up-to-date, and it will always keep you on track. SiteSell has your back!

Finding Time:

I'll be honest. My biggest problem is finding the time to do everything. You must be good at scheduling your day and concentrate on the important tasks — the old 80/20 rule. Otherwise, it's too easy to get sidetracked and end up wasting time on stuff that's unimportant.

As for your site visitors, they are typically very friendly, but you will come across the odd prickly person for whom nothing suits. You must try not to take it personal when they complain or unfairly criticize your site.

For instance, one visitor sent me a nasty email because they clicked the button to download their free PDF Ebook, and after waiting two weeks, it still hadn't arrived in the US Mail. Go figure!


A constant problem is plagiarism. Some dishonest bloggers will try to steal your photos and content. It's surprising how many people assume that once you publish something on the Internet it's fair game to copy. They either don't care or don't realize that your creative works are automatically copyrighted.

However, there are ways to track thieves down and demand the removal of your content from their blog. If they refuse, you can file a DCMA Take Down Notice with the search engines to get your stollen content removed from their blog; otherwise, the duplicate content could harm your site. It's easy to do, but it all takes time.

Friends and Family:

Everyone who works online experiences a common frustration with friends and family members. They always ask, "So what do you REALLY do?"

When you try to explain that you have a website and… their eyes start to glaze over. They cannot understand your working online nor do they really care. Most people you know will never look at your site. So get used to it.

You'll find common ground, and a ton of encouragement as you get to know your fellow SBIers in the friendly Solo Build It Forum. It's an awesome worldwide community, and you'll make friends and find it a vital part of your eventual success!

Solo Build It Review Question #9

What About the Writing Part?

Do yourself a huge favor. Don't ever worry about the writing.

Simply write!

I am not a professional copywriter by any means. English composition was NOT my strongest subject in high school. Always remember that site visitors are wanting information, not Ernest Hemingway!

People don't really care about your writing skills, as long as you give them the information they've searched for.

Ken Evoy, SiteSell CEODr. Ken Evoy

"You are the ideal person to write the content for your Website. Even a professional copywriter cannot bring the same sort of unbridled enthusiasm to a topic that you know and love." —Dr. Ken Evoy, SiteSell founder and CEO

If you can write a letter to a friend, you can write a site page! Ken even provides you with concise, practical downloadable PDF manuals outlining the ABCs of simple content writing. Believe me, you CAN do it.

Don't put yourself down. You can help people by sharing your interests and begin to realize your dreams. My website is proof that it's possible. This is a program that really works!

Solo Build It Review Question #10

How Much Does Solo Build it Cost?

Do yourself another favor. Please don't over-think the cost.

Some people think SBI costs too much, but they haven't tried it. Many, including myself, wonder why it's priced so low considering all that's being offered. Believe me, it's worth every penny!

That said, SBI offers two payment options. You can pay for a one year's subscription and save yourself some money, or you can subscribe monthly.

Regardless, for less than the price of a daily Starbucks® coffee, you can have your own online business. Imagine!

You don't see many legitimate offers that are so affordably priced as this one is!

SBI's Bottom Line

Rocket Ship Crashed Into the GroundLet Down By Other Plans? Try Solo Build It!
(Source: ©mikkelwilliam/

If you've ever had your plans to earn extra income at home crash to the ground, now is the time to dust yourself off and start working with Solo Build It to achieve your dreams.

Having read my Solo Build It Questions and answers, if you have any questions about SBI and what it can do for you, feel free to Contact SBI directly.

I can assure you there's no obligation, and someone friendly and knowledgeable is always willing to help.

Please don't put it off any longer. Subscribe today and take advantage of the Solo Build It risk-free trial offer.


Try SBI now. It simply works better than any other site-building tool, but it might not be right for you and that's OK. Just trigger the 90 Day Guarantee, turning your purchase into a risk-free trial.

I hope that you've found my answers to your Solo Build It questions helpful, and I'll look forward to seeing you in the SBI Forums.

My Relationship With SiteSell

Don Bell Website OwnerSolo Build It Powers My Old Time Dessert Recipe Website
(Source: ©Don Bell)

My old time recipe website has been hosted by SBI since 2004, and I have been more than satisfied with the secure service and technical support I've received.

I eventually joined the SiteSell affiliate program because I strongly believe in the Solo Build It product, and I have no qualms about recommending it to you. If you follow The Action Guide and put in the necessary effort, you'll discover as I did that it simply works!

Subscribe now, and you can start your own online business today. While I stand to earn a small commission, it won't cost you a penny extra. This is called being an affiliate, and it's one of several ways you will get to earn money online.

I wrote this Solo Build It Review because you deserve to read an honest Solo Build It Review written by a real person like me. Someone who has successfully used SBI for 20 years and loves it.

Many of today's website building tools can lead to beautiful websites, but they mostly fail at delivering the needed visitor traffic, and they offer only limited instruction on how to build a profitable online business.

I love the fact that SiteSell holds nothing back. They are always transparent and open to honest questions, and they will always give you an honest answer.

Please, feel free to Contact SiteSell and speak with someone in the know if you have any questions that my Solo Build It Review hasn't answered. I can assure you there's no obligation. They simply want to help.

Give Solo Build It a Trial Run

Now that you've read my Solo Build It Review, why not give SBI a trial run? If the program isn't every bit as special as I say it is, simply take advantage of SiteSell's money-back Guarantee.

There are no catches. No false promises. No risks. You will discover as I did that this is one of those rare occasions where the product more than lives up to your expectations.

Are you one of many asking, "Can I start a new career?" The answer is YES! Simply choose a topic that you're interested in. Is it Gardening? Dogs? Sports? Your hobby? Your hometown? Your faith? Recipes?

And begin!

Should you ever need some assistance in getting your new SBI website up and running, just ask for help in the SBI Forums. That's where I hang out, and I'll eagerly await seeing you there.

Try SBI now. It works better than any other website-building product! And if it's not right for you, that's OK. Just trigger the 90 Day Guarantee, turning your purchase into a risk-free trial.


I hope you've found my Solo Build It Review helpful. It's my sincerest hope that you can turn your computer into a source of income, self-reliance, and creative fulfillment.


Don Bell

Don Bell, Website Owner and Publisher

P.S. Read the inspiring Acres of Diamonds short story.

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