Want easy fudge recipes for Christmas? Not only is Grandma's old fashioned fudge candy easy to make, it's wonderfully delicious. Imagine having a trayful of soft and creamy chocolate fudge sitting on the coffee table just waiting to be nibbled on.
This old fashioned Christmas fudge is best enjoyed while playing your family's favorite board game or watching a classic Christmas movie on television. Be sure to have lots of creamy homemade fudge available to nibble on this Holiday Season.
Mom's Recipe Scrapbooks (1920s)
Perhaps the favorite Christmas candy of all is fudge, when it's soft and creamy, and sometimes made very interesting with bits of candied fruit and nuts.
The SECRET to getting a good fudge texture is to allow the candy to cool before you beat it and add the extras — so many people think it should be beaten as soon as it is removed from the heat. Wrong. Let it cool.
2 cups sugar, 2/3 cup rich milk, 2 squares chocolate, 2 tablespoons butter, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Grate the chocolate.
Put the sugar and milk in a saucepan and stir until dissolved; then cook without stirring until a little syrup dropped into cold water will form a soft ball (cook until thermometer shows 238°F, if you have one.
Add the grated chocolate and the butter, stir enough to mix, and let the candy cool.
When cool, pour it out onto a marble slab or a clean counter-top or a big ceramic platter, and let it become quite cold. Then work it with a spatula, backward and forward, or you can use a small butter paddle or other convenient tool.
When creamy and stiff, spread out at once and cut into squares with a sharp knife.
You can use any kind of chopped nuts in the above recipe — about 1/2 cupful to this quantity of candy; or 1/3 cup raisins may be added; or 3/4 cup chopped dates; or 1/3 cup shredded coconut.
For a Christmassy-looking chocolate candy cane fudge that tastes every bit as delicious as it looks, just add 1/4 cup crushed candy cane to the mixture or sprinkle the crushed pieces onto the warm fudge to decorate.
Or, you can leave out the chocolate and make a delicate white cream candy, adding coconut to it, if you like; or some candied cherries, or tiny bits of cranberry, or preserved ginger.
And, of course, you can tint the white candy any color you like, if you have some pure food coloring.
Two cups granulated sugar, one cup cream, two ounces unsweetened chocolate. Cook until it forms a soft ball when dropped in cold water.
Take from fire and add piece of butter as large as two walnuts, beat until nearly cold, then pour in buttered dish, and when cold cut in squares.
Chopped walnuts, dates or marshmallows may be added before beating. This candy must be stirred constantly while cooking to obtain best results. —Neighborhood Cook Book
When I had been a small boy growing in the early 1950s, televisions were few and far between, but during the Holiday Season we all gathered around our old GE console radio for the special Christmas broadcasts.
As we sat and listened to our favorite programs, Mom passed a plateful of her still-warm chocolate fudge that was so creamy smooth, it melted in our mouths.
I can still recall laughing as Fibber McGee painted the pine tree in his front yard white by mistake, instead of Molly's Christmas tree. And who could ever forget the crazy antics of Abbott and Costello?
Ah, those were the days! The taste of warm homemade fudge always brings back fond memories of fun-filled family occasions.
With Grandma's easy fudge recipes for Christmas, you can create your own family memories this holiday time, memories that you'll talk about for years to come. Enjoy!
Enjoy a LAUGH to brighten your day! Listen to Bud Abbott and Lou Costello's hilarious "Who's On First?" skit from the World War 2 Special Services Division V-Disk.
(6 min.)
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