French Apple Dessert Recipes

These traditional French apple dessert recipes are surprisingly simple and straightforward to make, yet the baked apple dishes taste so delicious your guests will think you spent the entire afternoon preparing them. Ils sont délicieux!

French Apple Dessert Recipes

La Cuisine Francaise (1893)

Homemade French Baked ApplesEnjoy Making French Baked Apples - So Easy and Delicious
(Source: ©haarmony/

The following desserts were created by Chef Francois Tanty, royal chef of Napoleon III and the Czar of Russia, so you know they taste really good!

Pommes au Four / Easy Baked Apple

8 apples, sugar. Do not peel the apples. Core them, and dispose them on a buttered dish. Put some granulated sugar in the hole and let them bake. When ready to serve, sprinkle some granulated sugar over. Top with walnuts if desired.

Pommes au Beurre / Apples With Butter

8 apples, 3 tablespoonfuls sugar, 1 glassful sauce apricot or jam.


(1) Pare and core 8 nice apples, and dispose them on a buttered dish.

(2) Sprinkle sugar over them and let them bake in an oven until soft.

(3) Prepare a hot syrup with some marmalade of apricot and water, and pour over the apples. Proportions for five persons.

Sauce Apricot

Use this delicious Apricot Sauce with Pommes au Beurre and other French apple dessert recipes.

12 apricots, 1/2 pound sugar, 2 tablespoonfuls Kirsch.


(1) Place in a saucepan 12 apricots cut in pieces with 1/2 pound sugar, and cook till soft.

(2) Pass through a sifter, add 2 tablespoonfuls Kirsch and enough water to have a half-thick sauce; or, mix 2 tablespoonfuls apricot marmalade with 2 tablespoonfuls Kirsch and add enough water to make quite a thick sauce. Proportions for five persons.

Pommes Frittes / Fried Apples

6 apples, 1/2 pound sugar, 1 glassful milk, 4 tablespoonfuls flour, fat enough to fry. Pare the apples, slice them crosswise 1/4 inch thick, dip them in milk, roll in flour, and fry till well cooked.

Sprinkle over some granulated sugar and serve on a folded napkin. For five persons.

Peches Frittes / Fried Peaches

As for Pomme Frittes, but cut the peaches in 2 or 4, according to the size and don't peel them.

Ananas Frit / Fried Pineapple

As for Pomme Frittes, but cut the pineapples in slices 1/4-inch thick.

French Apple Dessert Recipe

With a Saucepan Over the Sea (1902)

Compote of Apples Vintage IllustrationTraditional Compote of Apples (Cherbourg, France)
(PD Source: With a Saucepan Over the Sea, 1902)

Compote of Apples

Pare and core and cut into halves 6 large, fine apples. To each pound add 1 pound sugar, rind of 2 lemons, and a little ginger.

Cook, covered, for 1 hour. Add 1/2 cup of cider, and boil for 1/2 hour, then stir in a spoonful of vanilla, and let them cool, arranged in a dish.

Serve with whipped cream, and garnish of cherries, citron, or Angelica.

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